
Pregnancy Week 31: The disconnect

May 5, 2014

I should have known this would happen. Right after I posted that pregnancy makes me feel oh-so-sexy, my body turned against me.

My walk developed a distinct waddle. My right eyelid got fat and swollen. I became super farty. My thighs turned into tree trunks.

To be clear: I still FEEL sexy on the inside. But my outside looks like Sloth from “Goonies.”

It could be worse. I could look like Mama Fratelli.

It could be worse. I could look like Mama Fratelli.


Otherwise, this has been a terrific week. The Husband and I made a little excursion to Sunnylands, the former estate of Walter and Leonore Annenberg that now serves as a retreat center for national and international leaders. This means I am basically Obama, but with better hair.

photo 4-1

Sunny days at Sunnylands


Also my historic summit was with a bunch of cacti.

Agave maria.

Agave maria.


And sometimes I sat on the ground.

photo 3-1

It looks like I’m grabbing my crotch, but trust me — that’s belly I’m holding. (At this point in pregnancy, my crotch is located in some other state.)


I love barrel cacti, so it doesn’t bother me in the least that my belly now resembles one.

Round belly

Look at this barrel!


Here’s what else has been going on this week:

BABY: I really don’t think he’s doing much at this point, other than putting on weight. He’s supposedly the size of a pineapple now, but the other day I held a pineapple at the market and I don’t see how that’s possible.

ME: Emotions. So many emotions. And heartburn.

The biggest thing I’m feeling now is an enormous disconnect — it’s hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that the baby in my belly is going to be an actual baby living outside of me. Soon.

Here’s how bad it is: Some friends recently gave me wonderful books on child-rearing, and my initial thought was, “Aw, that’s so sweet! But why are they giving me books about raising children? I’m only pregnant.”

It reminds me of my freshman-year grammar class, which was part of the core curriculum at my journalism school. It was a difficult class, so I often thought, “Yeah, this is a good class and all. But when am I ever going to use this?” Around midterm it finally dawned on me, “Oh yeah. EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF MY ADULT LIFE.”

That’s what’s happening to me here — I’m having that midterm moment of realization. At some point this baby is going to be a BABY. Holy crap.

EXERCISE: This was a terrific week for exercise. Great energy, lots of walking and yoga, plus one day of swimming and one 10-mile bike ride.

CRAVINGS: My usual nacho tooth appears to have been replaced by a sweet tooth. I’m craving watermelon, mango and anything made of cookie.

CAT: Has officially declared ownership of my belly.




A long time ago, I thought my cat was a reincarnated version of a dead ex-boyfriend, since they both liked to watch me pee. Now I just think my cat believes I’m a cat too — and he seems to be under the impression that he’s the father of my child.

It’s gonna be awkward when this baby pops out with no whiskers. Like, Maury Povich paternity test awkward.

HUSBAND: Sewing wonderful things for baby.

Real men wield Singers.

Real men wield Singers.


Pregnancy week 28: If these uterus walls could talk

April 16, 2014

This past week was the LA Times Festival of Books, which has become an annual tradition for my writer girlfriends and me.

It was my second time attending the festival — and it’s the second time I’ve been pregnant at the festival.  However, the baby I carried last year died in the first trimester.

I thought I would be over it by now, because that’s what you’re supposed to think. That’s what people tell you: Time heals all wounds and all that. Besides, I have a new baby to look forward to, a new life to fill the space inside me.

So I was surprised by how the grief came back so forcefully this weekend, how fully formed it still is. It hasn’t dissipated. It hasn’t shifted into something else. It’s still this annoying, recognizable presence — a purple gorilla, as poet Matthew Dickman put it.

I did my best to lose myself in other people’s stories so that I wouldn’t be consumed by my own. I went to panels and had books signed by some of my new favorite authors. I swooned over the delightful Pico Iyer and went all fangirl on Laini Taylor in the bathroom. I met LeVar Burton.




But still the grief remained.

It’s something I’ll have to live with, I suppose. In a way it’s a relief to know that my other baby didn’t disappear completely. She’s still there somewhere, in that part of me that feels like a wooden splinter. But it doesn’t do much to lessen the loss.

This week I also had one of those 4D ultrasounds, the kind that makes the baby look like a lump of clay or some kind of sculpture-in-progress. I’ve always hated those things. They’re creepy. The photos always make the baby look like a criminal with pantyhose pulled over its head, someone about to knock over a convenience store.

But when it came time, I couldn’t resist. My pregnancy is still at the point where my child exists in an ultrasound monitor, not yet in real life, and I just wanted to look at him. I’m still scared he won’t be real.

It is remarkable what you can see on those ultrasounds. Not just the baby’s face, which was thrilling, even though he looks like a sack of mushy oranges.

My boy has a face!

My boy has a face!


For some reason, I also have a head of cabbage in there.

For some reason, I also have a head of cabbage in there.


But it was amazing to see the heart too. Four chambers with valves that know exactly how to open and close.

I actually have a video of the heart pumping, but I couldn't figure out how to upload it. So just imagine it.

I actually have a video of the heart pumping, but I couldn’t figure out how to upload it. So just imagine it.


And bones. I was mesmerized by the spine — the perfect, intricate pieces of a puzzle that somehow solved itself — and I couldn’t get over the fact that my body formed those bones. My god. No wonder I’ve been so tired. I made bones!

In my free time, I make spines.

In my free time, I make spines.


Pregnancy is such a strange dichotomy. I’ve never felt so powerful, and I’ve never felt so weak.

On the one hand, I am making life. It’s a rush to acknowledge that. I’ve created this thing that will someday be a person with his own abilities, goals, and unique personality. That’s insane.

But it’s also unnerving to realize how random it is — how many forks exist in this road. There’s no reason why this baby might live and why the other did not. I didn’t do anything to make this pregnancy more viable than the last. I didn’t love the babies any differently. In fact, other than subletting my uterus, I really had no part in this at all.

That’s just how it is. One baby is almost here, one is not, and I’m still learning how to accept that some wounds never heal.


Pregnancy Week 27: Just the tip of the third trimester

April 6, 2014

ME: My pregnancy app says we need to talk about circumcision tonight. Presumably for the baby, but they didn’t really specify.

HUSBAND: OK. What do you want to say about it?

ME: (Googling) It appears to be a controversial topic with many pros and cons.

HUSBAND: How do you feel?

ME: I actually have no strong feelings about it one way or another. None. Zero.

HUSBAND: Neither do I.

ME: This is really your territory. All I can contribute is the story of the first time I saw an uncircumcised penis.

HUSBAND: Nope. Don’t want to hear it.

ME: Wait, I’ve got something. What do you call a cheap circumcision?


ME: A rip off.

HUSBAND: Alright, we’re done talking about this now.

A baby mushroom.

A baby mushroom.


Times like these I feel like I’m still pretending to be an adult. There are very important decisions to be made here — such as, do I want to cut off the tip of my son’s penis? — and I have never even considered these things before. Not once. How am I qualified for this? My business card doesn’t say “foreskin expert.” (Maybe someday. Fingers crossed!)

More importantly, how do other people do it? Did everyone go to a special parenting school when I was out at a bar? If so, you guys are bastards for not inviting me. Is there some way I can obtain a spare baby, so I can try again after I irrevocably screw up this one?

All I know is that I have a lot more research to do before I make any organ-altering decisions. Back to the Google I go.


Here’s what else has been going on this week — the very tip of the third trimester!

Week 27: This is supposedly the beginning of the end, according to people who give me unsolicited advice: “Oh sure, you feel great now. But just wait. That third trimester is terrible.” So … yay?

Baby: As big as a head of cauliflower.

Me: Looks like I’m shoplifting a head of cauliflower.

Seriously, every week I look more and more like the pregnant dude in the “Been Caught Stealing” video, and it cracks me up. If only Halloween were closer, I could totally rock that look, no foam padding necessary.


Exercise: Not so great — only a couple long walks and one yoga class — and I’ve definitely noticed a difference. I feel far chunkier and more lethargic this week. Next week will be better.

On a good note, I did some cool stuff instead of working out.

For instance, I had a couple hours before work on Tuesday. Instead of going for a bike ride like usual, I watched a bunch of guys disassemble the Forever Marilyn statue in downtown Palm Springs.

All hung up.


When Marilyn really went to pieces.


And on Saturday, which is typically my hiking day, The Husband and I drove to San Diego and took a falconry class. The Husband was initially wary about us doing the class during pregnancy, because he was afraid a bird might peck the baby out of my womb.

I’m pleased to report we both enjoyed the class and had zero Hitchcockian incidents.

I should tweet this.


I made a new friend. It was hawkward.


Not ruffling any feathers.


The Husband is very talon-ted.


I still think most birds are weird and could really use some arms, but I’m starting to warm up to raptors.

Health: I had my glucose tolerance test this week, and I should get the results early next week. I’ve done a fair amount of research on the test, and I feel like it’s flawed — and because of that, too many pregnant women are incorrectly diagnosed with gestational diabetes. But I’m going to save that rant for another day. Also I’m not a doctor, just a lady with a lot of opinions.

Books: Baby received his first set of books this week, a gift from my dear friend Tracy. They’re some of my favorite children’s books too: “Where the Wild Things Are,” “Pat the Bunny” and “Goodnight Moon.”

I’ve already started reading to the baby, which seems to inspire a whole taekwondo performance in my belly. So the baby either looooves books, or he hates them and wants me to shut up about rabbits and mittens already.

Cravings: Peanut butter on all the things. Peanut butter on apples. Peanut butter with celery. Peanut butter crackers. Peanut butter and rice cakes. Peanut butter on a moldy rooftop shingle. I don’t care! Slather me in peanut butter and let me nom myself to death.



Pregnancy Week 26: Is this normal?

March 30, 2014

It’s the final week of the second trimester! The exciting thing about week 26 is that we’re far enough along, the baby will likely survive if he is born right now. (But please stay in there. Keep baking, little bun.)

We have also entered double digits in the countdown to the due date, which is ridiculous. This is all happening so fast! I have to graduate in June, and I have a thesis to finish! And there’s still so much I need to prepare! I’m sure I’ll feel differently soon, but right now I envy the elephant and their 22-month gestational period.

Why can’t I be you?


This week The Husband and I celebrated our anniversary — 11 years together, four of them married.

March 28, 2010. It was a nice day for a white wedding.


I can’t help but look at photos of us and daydream about the fat, happy baby we’re going to produce. What’s he going to look like? Who is he going to be? What will he enjoy? What traits will he take from me and which parts will be from the man I love?

I just can’t wait to meet this kid and find out.

Ingredients in the genetic soup.


Typically The Husband takes a belly photo of me on Sundays to post here, but we’ve both been writing and working all morning, and I haven’t showered yet, let alone put on real clothes. So we’re back to the dreaded bathroom selfies! I took these earlier this week because I was feeling pretty good about my fly maternity outfits. (Please excuse the toothpaste dots on the mirror. I rock my teeth like a hurricane.)

I tied a ribbon to show I still have a waist somewhere there. Also I was wearing cute tights and boots.


When bumblebees get knocked up.


Here’s how everything is stacking up this week:

Baby: We’ve officially entered the ugly vegetable stage. The baby is as long as a green onion, and the size of a head of lettuce. He’s also about two pounds, has eyelashes, and his little heart is holding steady at 145 beats per minute.

My body: I might write a book about the physical effects of pregnancy called, “Is This Normal?” since so many things this week had me running to the Google machine to ask that very question. Stabbing pain under my left shoulder. Is this normal? Tender right rib that feels bruised. Is this normal? My belly skin is too tight and might rip apart like the Hulk’s clothes. Is this normal?

The thing is, the internet is no help when it comes to medical issues, because I end up sucked into a black hole of rare diseases. Yesterday I logged on to WebMD with a totally normal pregnancy and logged off with leprosy.

This is why I’ve actively avoided reading most pregnancy books. I feel like my body instinctively knows what to do. I don’t need to read about all the complications that might occur. Not yet. (Then again, maybe a book might have told me that the pain under my right rib was just the baby’s foot.)

On a bad note, I had a little lecture from my doctor for gaining a couple pounds more this month — literally a couple — than my target weight. I’m still feeling good, though, I’m on track for overall healthy weight gain, I can still cross my legs and everything. And my goodness, a couple pounds could be poop.

See? They didn’t factor in poop.


Exercise: Beyond the shoulder/rib/skin discomfort I mentioned above, which has been very minor and temporary, I feel terrific. I have a lot of energy. I haven’t been sick or crampy. I’ve been walking every day and doing yoga a few times a week.

When I had a massage in Mexico, Arturo the masseuse rubbed my thighs and said, “Have you noticed your legs getting stronger and stronger during your pregnancy? You’re all muscle,” which made me feel really good. I like knowing that I’m building a strong, solid foundation for birthing.

Nursery: I think I’m supposed to be doing something with this room now? I’d like to be one of those women with hand-painted stencils on the door and a cool mobile above the crib and frilly curtains and everything artfully arranged, but that’s just not going to happen.

All I know is that I have a crib, a lovely gift from my mother-in-law, and the baby won’t have to sleep in the bathtub.

Welcome to MTV’s “Cribs.”


For a while I was reading a lot about Montessori nursery design, which doesn’t use a crib, just a mattress on the floor to allow the child freedom of movement. Then I started getting overwhelmed with all the other options, which include co-sleepers and bassinets and everything else. And you know that moment when too many choices actually becomes paralyzing? That happened.

I finally decided if we really want to do a floor bed, that’s something we can implement later. Same with a co-sleeper. Right now I just want a safe, rectangular space where I know my baby can sleep — and just having it brings some peace of mind.

Food cravings: Clementines. Hummus. Peppermint tea.

Predictions for my child’s first words: Any combination of “cat” with “No!” “Stop!” “Get down!” “Out of the kitchen!” or “Really?”

Thing I was called this week that I do not wish to be called ever again: Big Momma.


Five steps to a perfect budget babymoon (or any kind of vacation!)

March 26, 2014

Travel is very important to The Husband and me. But so is saving money, especially now that we have a baby on the way.

So while we did want to indulge in a babymoon — our last getaway as a couple before our boy is born — we also wanted to keep enough cash in the bank to afford diapers when it was all over. We decided to ditch the traditional advice, since an all-inclusive in the Virgin Islands was simply not in our budget, and plan our own luxury-on-a-shoestring excursion.

Here are five easy questions we asked ourselves. Use them to plan a babymoon, or any kind of vacation, of your own.

1. What do you want to do?

Are you seeking action or something more leisurely? Want nightlife or nature? Sightseeing or sunset gazing? Determine the kind of vacation you’d like to have. Once you figure out your priorities, you can whittle down the destination options.

Even though The Husband and I typically enjoy more adventurous excursions, we desperately wanted to relax and recharge. We decided to look for a beautiful location where we could hike and take long walks, as well as a nice room where we could curl up together.


2. How will you get there?

Decide how you want to get where you’re going. Think about what will be the best for your budget AND the most hassle-free. We all know how to get a cheap flight, but if you have to drive a few hundred miles to catch a redeye or endure a 7-hour layover somewhere, is it still worth it?

While The Husband and I love to fly, we knew driving would be the easiest and most frugal way for us to travel. Depending on where you live, though, you might find some terrific air travel deals that are both time-saving and low-cost.

With the goal of a one-tank trip in mind, we looked at locations within a five-hour driving radius of our home. Our options included Las Vegas, coastal California, southern Arizona and northern Mexico. I’m not crazy about Vegas (I know, I know — I’m THE ONE person who doesn’t care what happens in Vegas or if it stays there), and we’ve already spent considerable time vacationing throughout California and Arizona.

We figured Mexico would give us a new locale to explore, and our money would go farther there. For instance, for the price of two nights at a beach hotel in California, we could afford four nights in Baja.


3. What time of year is your vacation?

This sounds so simple, but you’d be surprised how often it slips past when planning a getaway, and it can actually make or break your vacation. Ask yourself: What’s the weather like where you’re going? Do they have any festivals or major events happening when you’ll be there?

There are plenty of travel articles that will tell you vacationing off-season is a great way to stretch your budget, and that’s true. But really think about where you’re going, consider the potential risks and determine your comfort level, which is particularly important when you’re pregnant. Are you willing to brave Miami in the midst of hurricane season? Will you still enjoy Costa Rica if it rains every day? Will you be comfortable in the desert if it’s 120 degrees? It’s fine if your answer is yes; just arm yourself with this information in advance and plan accordingly.

Now look at what else will be happening in your destination while you’ll be there. To use an extreme example: Say you end up babymooning in Rio during the World Cup. Not only will you be battling crowds for tables at restaurants and places to stay, you’re also going to face severely inflated prices. You’ll probably still have a great time — but it might not be the getaway you originally envisioned.

In our case, The Husband and I were a little apprehensive about heading to Mexico during spring break. But since we decided to stay in a sleepy, seaside village and not anywhere with a Señor Frog’s, we didn’t have any issues with drunk fraternity brothers.



4. Where will you sleep?

Think about what kind of accommodations will make you most comfortable. Do you want to stay in a big hotel with a lot of amenities? Or are you looking for a boutique hotel with a lot of personality? Do you want a pool, a gym, a restaurant on site? Or are you looking for a totally unique experience, like a B&B? What’s important to you? I’m not much for room service, but I have some friends who consider it one of life’s greatest pleasures.

The Husband and I like to use Airbnb, an accommodations website with unique listings all over the world — anything from private rooms to entire houses. (Even clock towers and treehouses!)

For this vacation, we wanted an entire apartment to ourselves. It was also important that we have our own kitchen, because we both have special dietary needs, and we wanted to keep costs down by making some of our own meals. (We tend to cook two of our own meals a day, eat one nice meal out.)

This is the suite we booked.

What made this place special is that our host gave us the kind of personalized experience that you rarely find from a hotel, unless you’re paying top dollar. Cathy organized our Mexican car insurance for us in advance. She booked our massages with a trustworthy and experienced professional. She welcomed us with a tray of fresh-basked cookies. And she gave us invaluable advice on places to go, things to do and what to eat.


5. What else will make you feel comfortable?

This will be different for everyone and will depend on your situation.

I had two major concerns about leaving the country for my babymoon: Medical care and clean water.

Again, our Airbnb host was incredibly helpful. Cathy is an American who has been living in Mexico for 12 years, and she assured me of the quality doctors/hospitals located near her rental. She also offered to give me a list of physician names and phone numbers.

Her place does have filtered tap water (and all the restaurants nearby use filtered water too). That said, I’m very, very careful when it comes to water, so I purified it anyway. I use a SteriPen Adventurer Opti, which is my constant travel companion. It’s portable, it’s easy, and it works. And it’s saved me thousands of dollars over the years, because I never have to buy bottled water, no matter where I go in the world.


Here’s the final breakdown of our babymoon, which you can read more about here:

* The price of the suite rental came to $320. ($300 + cleaning fee).

* Our Mexican car insurance, required by law, was $40.

* Before we crossed the border, The Husband and I took out $200 from an ATM to pay for our food, massages, tolls and other assorted expenses — and we returned to the U.S. with $10 in our pockets.

So our grand total for five days was $550. (Plus one tank of gas, but I factor fuel into a different place in my budget.)

I’ve definitely traveled cheaper, but our priority here was comfort as well as a budget. We could have done without massages or some of our pricier meals, or we could have stayed at a smaller place off the beach. But we wouldn’t have quite as many beautiful memories — and those, of course, are priceless.