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Conversations with a 3-year-old

August 7, 2011

Meet my niece. She is almost four years old, and she’s awesome.

Here she is pretending to be a surly dinosaur. Fierce!


I’m convinced she’s going to grow up to be a play-by-play announcer or a correspondent for one of those news shows where they talk incessantly just to fill time, because she is masterful at talking her way through a variety of experiences. This includes going to the toilet.

While The Husband and I were visiting family, The Brother-in-Law left this little one in my care for just a few minutes. Of course, as soon as we were alone, my niece had to use the bathroom. I think it’s Murphy’s Law for the Childless — those who are the least knowledgable about caring for a child are the most likely to deal with their feces.

NIECE: I have to go poop.

ME: Oh geez. What’s happening? How do you do this … thing? Do you wear diapers?

NIECE: No, I go potty like a big girl.

ME: Alright. Let’s get you to the toilet.

(I carry her to the bathroom. As she hoists her skirt into the air, I plunk her down on the toilet seat.)

ME: Can you handle everything in here? Should I leave you alone?

NIECE: Stay here. Talk to me.

ME: OK. Um … so how’s everything going?

NIECE: I’m pooping.

ME: Yes, I surmised that.

NIECE: It’s coming. It’s coming out now. The poop is in my butt, and now it’s coming out.

ME: Fantastic.

NIECE: Do you smell that? My poop stinks.

ME: Everybody’s poop stinks.

NIECE: I don’t want to eat or drink anything anymore, because that is how poop is made. And I hate to go poop. Uh-oh.

ME: What?

NIECE: More stinky poop is coming. Oh man. I don’t want to poop anymore.

ME: You have to poop. Everyone poops. Actually, have you read “Everyone Poops”? I’ll buy it for you for Christmas.

NIECE: Done! (Grabbing a handful of toilet paper.) I wipe my butt like this.

ME: That’s very good.

(Helping my niece off the toilet.)

NIECE: Look at that. I made that. It’s poop. My poop is brown. Chocolate is also brown, but it does not stink. My poops are little and round.

ME: Nice work.

(Flushing toilet.)

NIECE: High five!

ME: Whoa! Not so fast. Let’s wash those hands.

At least I knew that much.


Travel: It’s elementary

February 5, 2011

My sister has been playing “Where in the World is Maggie?” with her second-grade classroom, using my trip as a cool way to introduce the kids to different cultures and countries.

So a couple of weeks ago, while I was in the U.S. for family matters, I popped into the class for a surprise visit.

It was SO FUN. The kids were a delight, far more excited and engaged than I ever imagined they would be.

While I perched on a plastic chair, they sat around me in a half circle on the floor, asking smart questions like, “What’s the saddest thing you’ve seen?” “What do people in Uganda get for Christmas?” and “How do the kids dress in Egypt?”

They went nuts over a photo I took of a mummy foot inside the Egyptian Museum. (They especially loved the fact that it’s a “secret photo,” i.e. taken with my stealth iPhone, since photography is forbidden inside the museum.) And they oohed and aahed over my pictures of rhinos, gorillas and elephants. For the first time I could see my trip from a 7-year-old’s perspective, and it was a delightful change of view.

They had such innocent and insightful things to say about the world, and it was truly an inspirational morning. For them, I hope I’ve motivated them to learn more about other people and travel for themselves. And for me, it reinvigorated my trip — it made me feel like I’m doing something important and special.

Best of all, the class sent me off with a stack of fabulous thank-you notes.

Also, I need to give a big shout-out to Mrs. Klarer for constantly finding cool ways to help children learn. I’m incredibly proud of my sister. She’s the kind of teacher that kids remember long after they are grown.


10 things I learned from my mom’s funeral

January 26, 2011

My mother always wanted to travel, but she put it off until “someday.” “After the kids leave home,” she said. “After your dad retires. After we have more savings.”

Then she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, and her health declined quickly. She never left Ohio again. She never saw the places she dreamt about. She never had the opportunity to do the things she said she would do.

That’s why my mother was my biggest inspiration for my trip around the world. Her disease taught me to go one step beyond the Nike motto: “Just do it — NOW.”

So even though it’s bittersweet, it’s somewhat fitting that my mom passed away during my global adventure. Her life inspired me to travel to far-flung places, learn about other cultures and seek out new experiences. But her death brought me back home again — and it taught me even more in the process.

10. As much as love brings people together, grief is even more universal. On Christmas, my father told me that my mother wasn’t doing well. So for a couple weeks, I wandered around Egypt in complete shock, talking about my mom to everybody who would listen. A Bedouin man, who barely understood my language, understood enough to comfort me. “She will be more comfortable soon,” he said, wrapping me in a warm hug. He had lost a mother too.

9. Friends are everywhere. When I needed people to nurture me, support me and love me, complete strangers stepped up to the plate. The day my mom died, an English woman gave me an hour-long foot massage, which seemed to rub a lot of the negative energy, sadness and frustration right out of me. An Egyptian man made me tea and let me babble until my throat was raw. A German girl offered her shoulder to cry on. I had more hugs than I could count. I suddenly had an international support system, and it reinforced my belief that we are all somehow connected.

8. We never realize how many people we touch until it’s too late. Before I left Egypt, someone asked, “Will there be many people at your mom’s funeral?” I shook my head no. “Unfortunately, she didn’t have many friends,” I said. It turns out that I was so wrong. I was surprised and overwhelmed by the number of people who showed up for the service, and I know my mom would have been truly touched. I wish she could have known how many people really loved and respected her.

7. Compassion matters. Every word, every e-mail message, every pot of soup, every card, every flower — it all meant so much to my family and me. I didn’t know how important it was to simply be around when someone loses a loved one.

6. Every moment is important. I set up a little tree branch at my mother’s funeral, then I encouraged guests to write their special memories on a card and hang it from the tree. Somebody wrote on one of the cards, “When I was a little boy coming to church, Heide watched out for me and helped me. I still go to church today because of her.” We often forget how a simple act of kindness can encourage, motivate and inspire others.

5. You are never prepared. My mother had Alzheimer’s for 10 years before she died. I knew it was coming. I thought I had grieved. I believed I had closure. But when the end finally arrived, it felt far too quick, and my heart filled with pain like I never knew before.

4. We all deserve to die with strength and dignity. Alzheimer’s creates a shell where there was once a person. Please help put a stop to this heinous disease (and other neurological disorders) by supporting the research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association.

3. Food nutures us. I can’t say enough about the healing powers of food. As my family was in the throes of sorrow, we were so thankful to have friends who brought us lasagna, soup, salad, bread and just about anything else. Every bite was filled with love and comfort, and we were truly nourished by it.

2. Say what you feel. Do you love somebody? Do you appreciate what somebody does? Is there somebody who makes your life better? Tell them.

1. Do it now. Live the life you’ve always wanted. Travel. Dance. Laugh. Love. Do karate. Run a marathon. Have a baby. Skydive. Go back to school. Soar in a hot air balloon. Scuba dive. Take an extra bite of cake. Kiss someone. Chop off your hair. Buy an expensive bottle of champagne, just for the hell of it. Do it now, because “someday” is too late.


The final gift

January 21, 2011

As I’ve been doing volunteer work, making personal connections and learning about our global community on this round-the-world trip, I’d like to think I’ve helped create some goodness on this earth.

But nothing compares with my mother’s final gift to the world.

Her brain has been donated for Alzheimer’s research.

Her gift might help stop a tragic disease.

Her gift might prevent another family from losing a loved one.

It was incredibly courageous for my family to make this donation, and I can’t find enough words to express the depth of my pride.

My mom was an extraordinary woman in life — and she continues to be after her death too.


Going home to say goodbye

January 12, 2011

Yesterday, when my mom died, there was the most extraordinary sky, where the sea and the air seemed to fuse into one.

Photographers lined the boardwalk in Dahab, oohing and aahing over the magnificent colors and the abundance of beauty. And I bet they had no idea it was just my mother saying goodbye.

I’m going home for a little while. The world tour continues Jan. 27.