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Ill communication: How I made unlimited phone calls for $30/year

August 22, 2011

One thing I knew before my trip around the world: I had to find a way to stay in contact with my husband.

One thing I didn’t know before my trip: How to stay in contact with my husband. Preferably without paying a bajillion dollars in roaming fees.

Should I purchase a special global phone? Stock up on international calling cards? Find two cans and an incredibly long string? I scoured online forums, read blogs of long-term travelers, called my phone company and ended up no closer to a reliable, simple solution.

With Madre Bell most definitely not in my corner, I had to figure out my own way.

I armed myself with two weapons:

#1. My iPhone, which is the original, old-timey model. It still works wonderfully, even though Apple is trying its darnedest to make it obsolete.


#2. An old Verizon LG flip phone.


My first step was to cancel my contact with AT&T. I learned my lesson the hard way: I bought a short-term international data package during a previous trip to Asia. When I went over the modest amount of data, I was slammed with fees. Also, I ended up paying for the package about three months longer than expected, which was a significant expense on top of my already-pricey phone bill.

So no AT&T.

With no contract, my iPhone basically became an iPod Touch, which meant I could no longer make phone calls. However, the device could still get online whenever I found wifi hotspots, so I was able to send and receive emails, update Facebook and Twitter, even make blog posts. I could also play music and videos, store data and shoot photos. Plus, I loaded it up with helpful apps that could work offline — language guides, currency converters, checklists, maps and so on.

It was a travel guide, dictionary, camera, boombox and netbook, all in one.

My next plan was to find someone to unlock my Verizon phone, buy a new SIM card in every country and add minutes to it. I figured I could splurge on occasional international phone call, just to hear my husband’s voice every week or so.

What I didn’t realize is that my LG phone is the only phone in the history of the world that cannot be unlocked. It has something to do with satellites and other things I don’t understand. I just know that no matter where I went, no matter what country I was in, every phone hacker said the same thing: No.

So I ditched the LG.

I could have purchased a new phone — one that could be unlocked — and continue with my plan to buy SIM cards along the way, but by that time I was already making calls home.

How? I bought a one-year subscription to Skype for $30.48.

Then I downloaded the free Skype app to my iPhone. Whenever I had wifi, I could easily make calls.

I know, I know. Skype on an iPhone isn’t much of a revelation. But for me it was, because I didn’t think of it until I was actually on the road. And once I was using it, I was blown away by the fantastic value. For that $30, I got unlimited phone calls to the U.S. and Canada (landlines and cell phones), my very own online telephone number AND an online voicemail box.

It was not a perfect solution. Though most of the world is well wired, there were definitely gaps where I couldn’t make or receive calls. But my goal was to stay in touch on a regular basis with my husband and family, and I accomplished that with one device — and one low price.

A running leap

August 14, 2011

It’s been nice and all, these past couple weeks of simultaneously watching “Project Runway” marathons and watching my ass get softer. But now I’m ready to get off the couch and tackle a new challenge. And that’s I why I’m signing up for my very first running race: a half marathon.

OMG, y’all.

I’m a moderately active person. I ride my bike. I walk my dog. I’ve hiked all over the world. But running? No. I have asthma and shin splints and an intense fear of tiny shorts.

But I also have this bizarre desire to invite the things that scare me most into my life.

So, taking a tip from Tim Gunn, I decided to make it work.


I completely changed my running technique so I no longer get shin splints. I managed my asthma with ridiculously expensive inhalers. And … I haven’t been swayed to the tiny shorts side yet.

I still don’t know if I can complete 13.1 miles — like, ever — but it’s worth a try. I can’t reach the finish line if I never start.

Right now I’m conditioning and using a slow but steady training program, but I’m also really enjoying the parts of running that have nothing to do with running whatsoever. Like making running playlists for my iPod. Or checking out running shoes on Or going to online forums and chatting about running with other people who aren’t running.

My overall goal is to become Gabrielle Reece.



I already know how to play volleyball, so it shouldn’t be hard.

And while I wait for the Gabrielle Reece thing to happen, I’ll be busy messing around with this cool tool, which I found yesterday. It’s a site full of readymade running playlists and songs with pace times. (I like that it has a karaoke section. You know, for those times you just gotta run AND sing.) I’m too embarrassed to reveal what’s on my running mix now, but it might be of the Enrique Iglesias-featuring-Pitbull variety.

Have any of you completed a race before? What was the hardest part of your training? Am I completely insane?


How I paid for a trip around the world on a journalist’s salary

August 13, 2011

Forget all of the places I’ve seen, the friends I’ve made and the experiences I’ve had. Everybody always asks me the same question about my travels: How did you pay for it?

Before I started my round-the-world trip, I couldn’t imagine how anyone could afford such a thing. It seemed like the most ridiculous, far-fetched idea ever — especially for someone working on a journalist’s salary.

Then one day I realized not every traveler out there is a trust fund baby, and somehow they made it happen. From that moment on, I worked on turning my dream into a reality. Here’s how I did it.

1. I saved. I know it sounds terribly boring, but it’s true. I pulled the reins on a lot of extraneous spending — I stopped going out, I carried my lunch to work, I brewed my own coffee, I watched movies on DVD instead of going to the theater, I quit my online shopping habit. (You already know all of this stuff, but I swear it works.)

TIP: Hard economic times call for flasks, so I created something that I call “purse wine.” When I wanted to be social but couldn’t afford a full night out at a fancy bar, I’d still meet my friends and I’d order a glass of house wine … which I would later discreetly refill from a small bottle in my purse. Everybody wins. The bar still gets money, I have a night out with my friends, and I end up spending something like $10 instead of $40. Be warned, though, I think it’s illegal to carry your own booze into an establishment.

Seriously. They make these wines portable for a reason.


2. I sold things. My car went on Craigslist, my clothes went to a consignment shop, my electronics went on eBay. I also had two huge garage sales. And believe it or not, I still have a lot of things to sell.

TIP: I only reaped a few hundred dollars at each garage sale, and it wasn’t worth it for the time and effort spent putting them together and advertising them. This time around I’m going to try having a virtual garage sale by posting all of my goods on one site, then putting links on Facebook, Twitter and Craigslist. I’ll let you know how that goes.


3. I worked. Nobody paid for me to travel. I didn’t have an assignment. I didn’t have a trust fund. In order to keep my bank account afloat, I sold some freelance writing and photography along the way.

TIP: Most of the longterm travelers I met on the road sustained themselves by designing websites, but other folks were teachers, lawyers, accountants, hair dressers. It’s definitely possible to turn your profession into cold, hard pesos while you’re on the road.


4. I went to cheap places. I’m one of those people who wants to see everything, so I didn’t have a burning desire to go to, say, France over other locales. Since my priority was to make the money last as long as possible, I literally googled “world’s cheapest countries” and built the framework of my itinerary from that.

TIP: Some places turned out to be more expensive than planned (like Argentina and South Africa), which caused me to cut out a few more expensive countries at the last minute (Tanzania, Botswana).


5. I stayed in cheap places.

Sometimes I camped.


Sometimes I slept in dorms.


Sometimes I stayed in places that were worth far more than the $6 price tag.


And sometimes the places looked like crime scenes.


Yes, I could have stayed at nicer hotels, but then my trip would have ended in one month instead of 12.

TIP: Whenever I went to a new country, I booked my first night in advance. After that, I asked other travelers for advice or walked around to find more economical digs. I almost always found a place that was better, cheaper or more comfortable.


6. I ate cheap things. That doesn’t mean I ate bad things. In fact, I ate really well — I just didn’t pay a lot for it.

I kept some staples in my backpack like crackers, peanut butter, packets of instant oatmeal, dried fruit and a jar of instant coffee. That’s what I ate most days for breakfast or lunch. Then I paid a visit to the markets, both to get the local flavor and to get some fresh produce, which helped me toss together some easy, inexpensive meals like instant noodles with spinach, mango and bean salad, stir-fried veggies and rice.


By cooking most of my meals, that meant I had more money to spend on restaurants, pubs and street food. I rarely spent more than $5 a day on food, but I still sampled what every country had to offer.


TIP: Street eats are the best. In my experience, the vendors’ stalls are cleaner than restaurant kitchens, everything is fresh because they have a high turnover of food and you can see exactly what you’re getting into before you ever order or pay. Most important, the food is inexpensive, authentic and not geared toward tourists.


7. I shared. Traveling with two (or more) is almost always cheaper.

TIP: Even though I was traveling solo for most of this trip, I made friends with other travelers along the way. If we were headed in the same direction, I made an effort to see if they wanted to split a cab, a meal or even a room for the night.

For example, Linsay (the Irish lass) and I traveled through most of Vietnam together.


8. I haggled. It is not in my nature to haggle over prices, so this is a skill I worked hard to develop. Basically I learned that you can’t get a discount if you don’t ask. Also, in most of the countries I visited, haggling is expected.


I even managed to get some free pineapple with these dumplings. Score!

TIP: Here are the three biggest rules for haggling: Never look like you are interested in what you’re buying. Have a price in mind and never pay more than that. Be prepared to walk away.


9. I skimped. I couchsurfed. I camped. I volunteered. I took a lot of buses instead of planes. I rented bikes instead of getting cabs. I walked. I asked about free museum days. I found discounts. I used frequent flyer miles. I didn’t buy many souvenirs.

TIP: Every time I booked a tour, I was disappointed. I found that by doing walking tours or putting together my own itinerary, I saw more of the things that interested me and I saved money while still learning a lot about a new place. This street art in Kuala Lumpur, for instance, will never be on any tour — but I’m so glad I found it.


10. I have amazing friends. My computer suffered a tragic death in Argentina, and then I made two South African men very rich while they tried to fix it ripped me off. This put an enormous dent in my budget — and worst of all, I wasn’t able to do my work without a computer.

That’s when my high school boyfriend made a blog about my situation and asked for donations. Friends from all over the world contributed what they could, which lead to the computer I’m using right now. That extraordinary effort meant so much to me, and I am grateful to have such ferociously good people in my world.

TIP: You know that beautiful scene from “It’s a Wonderful Life” where people flood George Bailey with money when he needs it most? I lived it, and it’s an incredible thing. This showed me how important it is to cherish your relationships.



I saved $10,000 to begin my trip. I made another $5,000 by working while traveling. Then I was slammed with a last-minute medical bill for $2,000, when my insurance company refused to pay for surgery on my broken foot.

I booked most of my flights in advance using AirTreks, a company that specializes in putting together difficult itineraries on a budget. My flights from continent to continent came to around $2,500 total. I purchased some smaller fights in between, like from Hanoi to Vientiane, when I couldn’t bear to do 30+ hours on a terrible Vietnamese bus.

I spent way too much on gear in advance, giving REI a big chunk of money. Maybe $1,000? I don’t know. I’m trying to block that from my memory.

I’m not one of those people who writes down everything I spend and files it away in a Quicken document. I saw those travelers, and I admire them. But I don’t do things that way, and I didn’t want to spend all my travel time hunkered over a spreadsheet.

Instead, my strategy was to keep an approximate budget of $27 a day. (Hey, that’s cheaper than Rachael Ray’s daily food bill!) I kept track of the numbers in my head, and I was very free flowing about it. Sometimes I came under budget, which meant I could spend a little more the next day. Or, if I spent more than $27, I knew I had to spend less the following day.

I did splurge for some expensive things, like the gorilla trek in Rwanda (the permit from the government is $500), but that was one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. I knew I would regret it if I didn’t do it.

It took many, many $10 days to save up enough for that $500+ day, but you know what? It was worth every penny.


Overall, I spent less than I would have by living in the U.S., but I came home far richer.

Patent pending

July 28, 2011

Here’s my high-tech, 100-percent guaranteed method of keeping creepy crawlies out of my clothes and shoes while in the jungle.

A ginormous Ziplock — Amazon-sized for freakishly huge Amazonian bugs.


5 simple things for peace of mind

May 26, 2011

Solo travel can be a potentially scary prospect.

Even though I’ve done my best to minimize dangerous situations, there are still moments when I can’t steer clear of menacing cab drivers, guesthouses at the end of sketchy alleys and walking home late at night.

What’s a backpacker to do?

Here are five simple items that make me feel safer — and all of them are small, inexpensive and easy to pack in a bag or purse.

1. Knife. Stab attackers right in the neck! BOO-YAH!

OK, probably not. I know someone would have to be super close for me to actually wield this little guy in defense. But I like that it fits easily into my palm and I can open it one-handed.

Beyond that, this knife has been invaluable for slicing open stubborn packages and cutting stray threads. It even has a bottle opener!

2. Tiny flashlight. A small but mighty LED light packs a punch in dark, scary places. This has come in handy more times than I can remember.

(Shoutout to Steve and Sara for the wonderful gift!)

3. Door stop. I’ve stayed in hostels where the locks don’t work. Heck, I’ve stayed in hostels where the doorknob falls off the door. And sometimes I just get creeped out by the hostel owner. (I am specifically thinking of one weirdo hostel manager who gave me a beer. When I offered to pay he ominously said, “Don’t worry, you’ll pay. Americans always pay.”)

A 99-cent door stop wedges the door shut, ensuring nobody can come into my room unannounced.

4. Xubaz scarf. Have you seen these marvelous scarves yet?

It’s a fashion accessory, it’s a traveler’s best friend. Each scarf has thoughtful elements like a hidden pocket, secret zipper pouches and bungees to secure it all to your belt loops. In the event that something terrible happens, you’ll still have a stash of money, credit cards or your passport.

Looks cute after four days of hiking the Inca Trail too!

5. Whistle. I’ve never had to use this one yet, but it makes me feel more confident just seeing it dangle on the zipper of my purse.


You should always bring a baggage lock or two with you. You know this already.

Beyond little combination locks, I also love having this cable lock on hand. It’s perfect for those moments where I want to keep my things safe from grabby hands, but I also don’t want to devote 100 percent of my attention to my bags.

A perfect example is an overnight train — I just use the cable to secure my bag to something immobile, and then I can snooze without worry.

It won’t stop someone who really, really wants to steal my things, but I don’t think anything short of an ACME industrial-sized vault would keep my things completely protected.

And let’s face it. That’s just not practical.