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Temple of the monkey

March 15, 2011

“We are welcome you to our tempal,” read a charming, hand-painted sign on a whitewashed wall.

That was my introduction to the monkey temple, located at the top of a mountain in Hampi, India. It had taken several hundred stairs to get there, a grueling hike under a suffocating sun. The air was so humid, it felt like a hot washcloth was stuffed down into my throat. I complained until I was humbled by the sight of temple workers, who were making the very same climb with bags of cement on their backs.

The monkey temple is the birthplace of Lord Hamuman, someone I’ve never heard of before and haven’t bothered to look up. But this dude is apparently quite powerful.

I don’t know if the temple was named for the monkeys, which are plentiful in the area, or if the monkeys came to the area for the temple. Either way, they exist in harmony.

I felt awkward about entering someone else’s house of worship — I’m not Hindu, and I didn’t want to offend anyone — and then I was invited inside the building by this priest. He was gracious and kind.

Inside, two men sat on the floor of a small room that was roped off from visitors. They played a combination of tambourines, bells and miniature coconut shells. As the robust music swelled, the men chanted something lulling and otherworldly. In another room, a handful of people said prayers and, in return, received a swipe of red paint on their foreheads.

I started to leave, but the priest encouraged me to stay. He passed around glasses of chai. The music stirred something inside me that I never knew existed, and I felt my heart explode with gratitude. I sat in lotus position under a fan and melted into the floor.

Every piece of it was so right: The curling incense smoke, the rhythmic bells, the heaving chants, the monkeys chattering outside the door, the view from the mountain top, the sweat rolling down my back and the fan cooling me down again.

With billions of people, congested cities and choking pollution, India was the last place where I expected to find peace. And yet, there it was, waiting for me.


Hampi Hampi Joy Joy

March 15, 2011

The vehicle creaked to a halt and the bus driver shouted something indiscernible.

I scrambled for my glasses, which I had tossed somewhere in the small sleeper bed. You’d think it would be easy to find things in a space the size of a tiny cafeteria table, but somehow all my things were in disarray after 12 hours on the road.

I swept my hand across the window and slid open the curtains, curious to see if we were at a real bathroom stop or if we’d have to squat on the road again.

And then I saw this.

This was no mere bathroom break. I had finally arrived in Hampi!

Once the capital of the Vijayanagar Hindu empire, some say this kingdom was greater than Rome. Back in the 14th century, the markets were stocked with diamonds and gems, traders carried loads of silks and spices, and the palaces were covered in gold.

Nowadays, Hampi is a little more modest. The temples are crumbling, the bazaar is sleepy, the palaces are overgrown with weeds.

Still, Hampi is one of the most remarkable places I’ve ever seen. The landscape is strewn with soft-edged boulders, the farmlands are shockingly green, the desolate temples are stocked with quiet magic.


Made in India

March 14, 2011

I’ve seen so many of those TV programs where they show how things are made: Machines that squish cream into Twinkies, machines that roll paper around crayons, machines that put the precise number of M&Ms into every package.

So I tend to assume that everything is done by machine — and I’m always shocked when I discover honest-to-god handmade items.

Like incense. Did you know there’s a little girl sitting on a mat in a hallway, rolling incense right this very second? She rolls up to 4,000 sticks per day.

Click here for a quick video.

Once she’s done, the incense is dried on a rooftop, then another woman dips the sticks into various pots of oil and colored powder. From that point, it is packaged and put up for sale.

I also stopped by a beedi factory, which is where men make Indian cigarettes. Leaves from the tendu tree are chopped into rectangles, filled with tobacco flake, rolled and tied with a thin piece of pink string.

Each worker makes approximately three beedies in the time it takes for me to blink.

Thousands of cigarettes per day are rolled by these guys and exported all over Asia and the world.

And it all begins right here, in a dirty room with a rusty fan, crowded with men who sit on the floor all day long and take home a handful of rupees.

Thankfully, there is no machine for what they do.


Signs, signs everywhere there’s signs

March 14, 2011

I could seriously spend all day walking around India, photographing all the signs that crack me up.

But I don’t have all day — so here are just a few that struck my fancy.


I like how this one is so detailed.


Please stop with the fire crackers in church!


Yes. Definitely beware of white college students from Seattle.


Helpful fashion tips from the local police department.


For the last time, please take off those filthy shooes.


India’s churches: Holy moley!

March 9, 2011

Most people don’t realize that southern India is peppered with Christian churches. And by “most people,” I really mean “me.”

While I knew India was a unique stew of religions and philosophies, I somehow left Christianity out of the recipe. Thankfully, traveling around Goa has enlightened me — in just a week I’ve already seen enough stunning places of worship to rival the biggest European cathedrals.

Here’s the story: The Portuguese came into town a few hundred years ago, tore down a bunch of Indian temples and built churches there instead. No, that wasn’t very nice. But wow, do the Portuguese know how to build a church.

The structures are a peculiar marriage of simplicity and ornateness. Toothpaste white exteriors give way to elaborate carvings, excessive gilding and grandiose pulpits. The result is nothing short of spectacular.

This one was broken. (I didn’t do it!)